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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Salt Movie Review: Angelina Jolie's Fierce Perfomance

Angelina Jolie is back on the news and this time not because of her kids. Angie has made quite a performance in her latest movie Salt. If the first part of the summer was dedicated to comedies and vampire gigs, we might get to see some great summer action movies with Inception and Salt being on top of the games. And I bet Leonardo di Caprio’s Inception will have a hard time keeping the top of the BoxOffice with Angelina Jolie’s Salt.

Why is Salt such a great movie?, you may ask yourself. We’ve seen many CIA movies but Salt is different. Salt is actually a CIA agent who’s looking for a desk job, a boring job that would keep her safe so she could go home to her kind husband (played by August Diehl) and play family dinner time.

The whole action begins when an old Soviet agent happens to drop by and announce that there are Russian nationals infiltrated in the CIA agencies who have a very efficient and mean plan. And guess who’s one of those Russian agents? Yes, you got that right, Salt is now on the run! She’s trying to escape from the CIA, FBI, the Secret Service agents and the Russians who are following her.
There are lots of scenes involving stunts and all kind of jumping and running and Angelina did most of her stunts, proving she’s a tough actress!
The fight scenes are amazing, in one scene Angelina falls from a bridge on a moving truck, then leaps on another truck and then on another and from there on the street. She’s like a feminine Bourne.
Salt was directed by Phillip Noyce based on a screenplay by Kurt Wimmer



Angelina Jolie seasons Moscow with Salt

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 » 06:03pm
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie delighted Russians as she arrived in Moscow to promote her new movie, thriller Salt.
In Moscow on the heels of the biggest spy exchange between Russia and the United States since the end of the Cold War, Jolie said on Sunday evening her playing a Russian in the spy thriller movie Salt was a good thing for the country.

'Maybe there are some bad guys that are Russians but if you look closely the big hero is Russian,' Jolie said of the movie at its Russian premier in central Moscow.
'So I think it's very positive for Russia,' the actress, who wore a scarlet halter dress that revealed some of her famous tattoos, said in her brief speech.
With her latest fast-paced action movie, Jolie is essentially bucking the Hollywood trend by playing a good Russian.

She plays CIA officer Evelyn Salt, who turns out to be a Russian spy. Her real name is Chenkov and she was trained since childhood for a mission which has the ultimate goal of preparing for war against the United States.

Dedicated to the mission, Chenkov-Salt however turns against her Russian spy master and fellow sleeper spies when they kill her German husband whom she is deeply attached to.
For the movie - and the premier - Jolie had to learn some Russian, she said.
'Dobry vecher!' (Good evening), she greeted the audience before the start of the film. 'I tried to speak a bit of Russian. Hope I did OK.'

The spy movie hits the screens just weeks after the spy swap between Russia and the United States during which Washington detained and deported 10 real-life Kremlin sleeper spies after they were exchanged for four Russian convicts on Vienna tarmac.
Jolie's heroine is also at the heart of a spy swap with North Korea in one of the movie's opening scenes.

The actress spoke just hours after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin revealed he gave a heroes' welcome to the 10 spies, singing Soviet-era patriotic songs with them.
The film's crew, who travelled to Russia for a scene on the Volga River, said they were fascinated with the notion of the Russian sleeper agents.
'There's something really mysterious and sexy about the notion that somebody could lie in wait - for decades, if necessary,' producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura was quoted as saying by Sony Pictures, whose unit Columbia Pictures made the movie.

'We discovered it was more real than we could have guessed,' Jolie was quoted as saying. 'Truth really is stranger than fiction.'
Fans waited for hours in Moscow's baking summer heat to steal a glimpse of their favourite actress. People screamed and cheered as ordinary and famous Russian men and women professed their love for the Hollywood celebrity.

During a 40-minute red-carpet appearance before the start of the movie Jolie gave out autographs and brief interviews, telling the Russians to travel the world whenever they felt frustrated.
Asked how she saw herself, Jolie said: 'I am a mother to my kids.... You don't get enough sleep but they make you very happy.... I am Brad's woman.'

Jolie raises six children with her partner and fellow Hollywood star Brad Pitt.
And if the audience's reaction on Sunday was any indication, the movie is likely to win rave reviews among Russians who are accustomed to seeing themselves depicted as mafia thugs and prostitutes in Western films.